Two Professors join the Institute of Salesian Studies

DSPT is excited to announce that its faculty is gaining two distinguished, Salesian professors through its affiliation with the Institute of Salesian Studies (ISS)!

Joseph Thannickal, SDB, PhD, will inaugurate his time with us through an exciting new offering, PSED 3xxx Meaningful Living, Introducing Viktor Frankl. Fr. Joseph belongs to Kolkata province of the Salesians in India, and has worked extensively in Bangalore, and also in the San Jose diocese in California. He has multiple advanced degrees, including from the University of Santa Clara and from the Frankl Institute in Vienna.

Alejandro Rodriguez, SDB, joined us during the COVID-19 pandemic, but we are excited to present him to students returning to campus. Fr. Alejandro will be teaching RS 2206 Educating from the Heart: Salesian Leadership. He is a member of the Mexico City province. He earned his PhD from the University of San Francisco and has an extensive teaching and publishing career.
In addition to receiving these new members to our community, the ISS is relaunching the Journal of Salesian Studies. Copies of the January-June 2021 edition have arrived.