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Catholic Social Teaching

Covering the whole of the theological Tradition.


Our program offers a comprehensive approach and covers the whole of the theological Tradition, recognizing that the Social Teaching did not originate with Leo XIII and his encyclical Rerum Novarum, but it reaches back to Scripture, Church Fathers and Doctors of the Church. Understanding what the Church has taught requires the philosophical backgrounds for western political and social institutions, starting with Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle and knowledge of philosophical ideas such as the good, the common good, subsidiarity and natural law.

For degree requirements, please consult the Student Handbook.

Course Offerings

The following are some of the courses DSPT has offered in this concentration:

CE-2003 Roman Catholic Sexual Ethics
CE-2045 Fundamental Moral Theology
CE-3050 Catholic Social Teaching
PH-4012 Natural Law
PH-4235 Human Nature and Political Philosophy
PHCE-4720 Bioethics & Person
PHCE-4950 Personhood and Human Rights
PHCE-4961 Religion and Peacebuilding

Check the Current Courses & Syllabi and the GTU Course Schedule for availability.

View course descriptions.