
The intensive study and inquiry into the character of Salesian spirituality.


Most often when considering St. Thomas Aquinas our thoughts alight on his written works, such as his commentaries on Sacred Scripture, the Summa Contra Gentiles, or more likely the Summa Theologiae. This concentration - from both philosophical and theological perspectives - helps students make connections between the art world and faith and reason. Our emphasis on liturgical anthropology and the sacred arts is designed to help students understand the anthropological foundations for creative intuition and the need for architecture, visual art, and music as essential tools for engaging our faith.

For degree requirements, please consult the Student Handbook.

Course Offerings

The following are some of the courses DSPT has offered in this concentration:

HRRA-2050 Aboriginal Sacred Art & Music
LSRA-3500 Liturgical Anthropology
PHRA-4310 Poetry & Creative Intuition
PHRA-4321 Philosophical Aesthetics I
PHRA-4322 Philosophical Aesthetics II
PHRA-4376 Hegel's Aesthetics
STRA-2080 Aesthetics & Theology

Check the Current Courses and the GTU Course Schedule for availability.

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