Anselm Ramelow, OP
Courses Taught
- Do We Have Free Will? (PHST-4810)
- Contemporary Philosophy (PHHS-2001)
- History of Philosophy: Modern (PHHS-2000)
- Does God Exist? (PHST-4811)
- Heidegger’s Being and Time (PH-4385)
- Contemporary Philosophy (PH-2001)
- Philosophical Aesthetics II (PHRA-4322)
- Philosophical Aesthetics I (PHRA-4321)
- Linguistic Turn in Philosophy & Theology (PHST-4160)
- Miracles (PHST-5020)
- Hegel's Aesthetics (PHRA-4376)
Recent Publications
- Thomas Aquinas: De veritate Q. 21-24; Translation and Commentary (Hamburg: Meiner, 2013).
- “Can Computers Create?” Evangelization and Culture 1 (2019): 39–46.
- “A Perennial Theology of Nature.” Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, online first (June 2, 2021).
From the Professor
In my classes, I combine dialogue, Socratic questioning and lecture for an engaging and intellectual structure. I seek to awaken the minds of my students to the fascination of being and truth, and I would like to instill in them the ability to think for themselves, to make creative connections across discourses, to relish truth and insight where they encounter it and to develop resistance to misleading intellectual fashions of the world. Some of the authors from whom I have learned include Plato, Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Max Scheler, Theodor W. Adorno, and Robert Spaemann.
I am currently working on a book on philosophical aesthetics.
I am a member of the Core Doctoral Faculty of the GTU, American Catholic Philosophical Association and Academy of Catholic Theology, a Senior Fellow at the Berkeley Institute, and co-editor of “Theologia Ignota” for Philosophia Verlag.