Moral Theology & Christian Ethics

Ethical theories throughout history.


After taking a broad look at various ethical theories throughout history, this concentration emphasizes the Christian tradition of virtue ethics, as rooted in the thought of St. Thomas Aquinas. It focuses on the key elements of the human response to Christian revelation. It is studied in conversation with Scripture and tradition, other religious traditions, such as Judaism and Islam, as well as with other disciplines such as philosophy, politics, law, and medicine. This concentration imparts an overall understanding of the Catholic moral tradition, particularly the tradition of the virtues stemming from Aquinas.

For degree requirements, please consult the Student Handbook.

Course Offerings

The following are some of the courses DSPT has offered in this concentration:

CE-2003 Roman Catholic Sexual Ethics
CE-2045 Fundamental Moral Theology
CE-2518 Roman Catholic Biomedical Ethics
CE-3050 Catholic Social Teaching
CE-4490 Aquinas On Vices: A Heuristic Lens to Understand Human Acts
PH-1009 Philosophical Ethics
PH-2040 Philosophical Anthropology
PH-4235 Human Nature and Political Philosophy
PH-4012 Natural Law
PHHS-4011 Thomas on Nicomachean Ethics
PHCE-4200 Friendship and Virtue
PHCE-4500 Aristotle’s Commentators
PHCE-4720 Bioethics & Person
PHCE-4820 Contemporary Virtue Ethics
PHCE-4950 Personhood and Human Rights
PHCE-4961 Religion and Peacebuilding
PHCE-6005 Theories of Justice
PHST-4810 Do We Have Free Will?
ST-3128 Theological Anthropology

Check the Current Courses and the GTU Course Schedule for availability.

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