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Systematic & Philosophical Theology

The fundamental integration of philosophy and theology.


This concentration encompasses a systematic approach to the fundamental integration of philosophy and theology. Philosophy and theology are two facets of a single conversation, taking into account both the insights that are discovered by human reason and those that are revealed in Scripture and tradition. At DSPT, theological inquiry is grounded in its traditional – and particularly, Thomistic – Roman Catholic roots.

For degree requirements, please consult the Student Handbook.

Course Offerings

The following are some of the courses DSPT has offered in this concentration:

CE-2003 Roman Catholic Sexual Ethics
CE-2045 Fundamental Moral Theology
CE-3050 Catholic Social Teaching
LSRA-1500 Foundations of Catholic Liturgy: The Ongoing Work of Jesus Christ
LSRA-3500 Liturgical Anthropology
PH-4012 Natural Law
PHCE-6005 Theories of Justice
PHHR-4100 Philosophy of Religion: India & West
PHST-4020 Miracles
PHST-4400 Philosophical Hermeneutics
PHST-4810 Do We Have Free Will?
PHST-4811 Does God Exist?
PHST-4TBD Atheism, New and Old
PHST-4TBD Between Phenomenology and Theology
PHST-4TBD From Dionysius to Derrida
PHST-4TBD God After the Death of God
PHST-4TBD Revelation
ST-1091 Theology: Nature & Method
ST-2232 Historical Development of Christology
ST-2300 Trinity
ST-2330 Angels & Demons
ST-3067 Theology of Sacraments
ST-3071 Sacraments: Eucharist & Orders
ST-3115 Contemporary Christology
ST-3128 Theological Anthropology
STHS-4037 Eschatology
STHS-4141 20th & 21st c. Roman Catholic Theologies
STPH-3095 The One Creator God
STPH-4885 Issues in Divine Action
STSP-3036 Ecclesiology: Foundations

Check the Current Courses and the GTU Course Schedule for availability.

View course descriptions.