Thomistic Studies
Course Offerings
The following are some of the courses DSPT has offered in this concentration:
Any of the Systematic Philosophy Core Courses
CE-4490 Aquinas On Vices: A Heuristic Lens to Understand Human Acts
PH-4211 Thomas Aquinas on Truth
PHHS-4011 Thomas on Nicomachean Ethics
PHST-4211 Aquinas on the Categories
PHST-4212 Aquinas and Person
PHST-4220 Aquinas and Platonism
PHST-4500 Thomas on Substance
PHST-4501 Thomas on Analogy
ST-1091 Theology: Nature & Method
ST-2232 Historical Development of Christology
ST-2300 Trinity
ST-2330 Angels & Demons
ST-3067 Theology of Sacraments
ST-3071 Sacraments: Eucharist & Orders
ST-3115 Contemporary Christology
ST-3128 Theological Anthropology
STHS-4037 Eschatology
STHS-4141 20th & 21st c. Roman Catholic Theologies
STPH-3095 The One Creator God
STPH-4885 Issues in Divine Action
Check the Current Courses & Syllabi and the GTU Course Schedule for availability.
Thomistic Studies through Primary Texts
Thomas Aquinas was a prolific writer, who spawned a prolific tradition. However, he is best understood in dialogue with the writers he engages, particularly Aristotle. In cooperation with 20th-century and contemporary writers, Thomistic and Aristotelian texts enjoy a special place in our curriculum. Among them, students read:
- Aristotle’s Organon (especially the Categories and On Interpretation) and Aquinas’ commentaries and treatment of logical topics in Super Boetium De Trinitate
- Aristotle’s Physics, Aquinas’ commentary, and his Principles of Nature
- Aristotle’s De Anima, Metaphysics, and Nicomachean Ethics, Aquinas’ commentaries, the Summa Theologiae, selections from De Veritate, and many other works
Students enjoy the ability to engage with less common texts and authors as they deepen their focus in natural philosophy, metaphysics, ethics, epistemology, or philosophical and revealed theology. This mode of Thomistic Studies permits students to become acquainted with the fountainhead of the broader Thomistic tradition.