2021 Mary Magdalen Festival, featuring artwork by DSPT’s Justyn Zolli
St. Mary Magdalen Church in north Berkeley is hosting its fourth annual Mary Magdalen Festival. Activities include online presentations and in-person gatherings related to art inspired by the saint. We are excited to highlight that the festival includes an art exhibit on the DSPT campus, featuring work by student Justyn Zolli! Activities include:
A Song from a Saint: A Pilgrimage through Art and Music for the Feast of Mary Magdalene, by Dr. Kathryn Barush and a response from Fr. Chris Renz, OP, with Q&A and discussions
The Iconography of St. Mary Magdalen, by Fr. Brendan McAnerney, OP, with Q&A and discussions
Mass with music and reflections inspired by St. Mary Magdalene, by Andy Canepa and Dr. Gina Hens Piazza
An Icon Art Exhibit by DSPT Student Justyn Zolli, in Blackfriars Gallery
See the image below for the full schedule. The presentations will be posted online the weekend before, on July 18, so that you may watch them in preparation if you wish. Learn more at https://marymagdalen.org.