Cost of Attendance
(Effective July 1st, 2024)
Tuition is set at $920 per unit for all DSPT programs. Most courses are 3 units. Full-time status is 12 units ($11,040).
Continuing Student Flat Rate: Students who have fulfilled the tuition residency requirement but have not completed all program requirements enter “in continuation registration” status. They pay a flat tuition rate (regardless of the number of units for which they registered) each semester.
The 2024-25 in continuation tuition rates are $5,520 per semester. Other student fees are not affected. Refer to the Student Handbook for details regarding your particular program.
Refund Policy: A full tuition refund will be granted to students who drop a course by the Friday of the second week of the semester. A 50% tuition refund will be granted to students who drop a course after the Friday of the second week of the semester but no later than the Friday of the fourth week of the semester. No refund of any amount will be made for units dropped after that time.
Late Registration: $100
Student Activity / Campus Technology: $95 per semester
Transcript: $10 (the transcript fee will be charged for every official transcript request from students and alumni)
Add / Drop Course: $50 per change (an additional fee may be charged by UC Berkeley for dropping a UCB course after the second week of classes)
Student ID or Library Card Replacement: $25
Comprehensive Exam Fee: $250
Leave of Absence: $50 per semester
Reinstatement after Withdrawal: $300
Graduation: $100
CPhS or CTS certificate completion: $50
Thesis Binding Fee: $165
Application Fee: $50
Non-Tuition Expenses
In order to help students prepare for the total cost of attendance at DSPT, we have provided a breakdown of estimated non-tuition expenses. Additionally, the cost of attendance estimate is used by the school to establish a student's financial need and the total aid a student may be eligible for.
View a breakdown of estimated non-tuition expenses for 2024-2025.
Auditors must register and pay regular tuition and fees. However, DSPT students in degree programs, as well as non-degree programs, may audit one course per semester, for a fee of $250, if the student is enrolled in 9 credits or more in that semester. Students enrolled in less than 9 credits must pay a fee of $920 per credit to audit.
DSPT Alumni may register to audit one course per semester for a fee of $250. Please complete the Alumni Scholars Registration Form and return it with your check for $250 to the DSPT Registrar.
Participants will receive no grade, and no transcripts will be generated. Discounted audits cannot be accumulated. No academic credit is earned. Audit status requires faculty permission and is not available for all courses.
Tuition and fees will be invoiced on the Monday after the late registration period ends. Payment is due within 7 days of the invoice date. Students enrolled in six (6) or more units are eligible for a monthly payment plan option (application due last day of registration).
Refer to the Student Handbook for information about DSPT Tuition Residency Requirement and In Continuation Registration Status.