Campus Security
Campus safety, security and quality
The information on this page is designed to provide a quick overview for students and employees who either have complaints about the Dominican School of Philosophy & Theology (DSPT), or who have experienced discrimination or harassment of some kind. Full details of all DSPT policies may be found in either the DSPT Student Handbook or DSPT Campus Safety and Annual Security Report.
Registering a complaint about DSPT
DSPT is committed to fulfilling its goals and objectives for quality education and services for its students and employees. The California Private Postsecondary Education Act of 2009 (California Education Code, Title 3, Division 10, Part 59, Chapter 8) and the subsequent Senate Bill 81 (Section 25 94874.9) requires all private institutions of higher education to provide contact information for registering complaints about fraud, abuse, or false advertising concerning any of our school policies or procedures.
Any student who wishes to register a formal complaint about DSPT may contact the California State Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education at: 2535 Capitol Oaks Drive, Suite 400; Sacramento, CA 95833. Telephone: 916-431-6924
Campus health and wellbeing
DSPT wishes to ensure that activities on campus are educational, enjoyable, and safe. As part of this effort, the DPST Drug and Alcohol Policy for a Drug-Free Campus outlines both general school policies and health hazards which can result from the abuse of alcohol or controlled substances. You will also find useful links to educational resources for both personal needs and ministry. Please take the time to review this document and familiarize yourself with these resources.
As required by Federal law, DSPT also conducts a review of this policy every two years. As part of our policy on institutional transparency, DSPT posts the results of this biennial review.
Campus safety and security (Title IX)
DSPT highly values the individual and collective security of its students, faculty, and staff. This is so not only because it cares about individual safety but also because safety is a prerequisite for the creation of an academic community devoted to research, learning, and teaching.
Title IX refers to a section of the Education Amendments of 1972 law that prohibits sex discrimination in educational programs and activities at schools that receive federal financial assistance. Sex discrimination includes sexual harassment and sexual assault or violence, all of which are prohibited by DSPT.
In addition, the Congress and Department of Education have established many requirements for campus crime policies and reporting. The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act), codified at 20 U.S.C. 1092(f) as part of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA), and the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) of 2008 require that DSPT disclose policy information and crime statistics as part of a campus security report published annually.
The Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA) (20 U.S.C. 1092(f)) amended the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security and Crime Statistics Act (Clery) under the Campus Sexual Violence Elimination Act provisions (Campus SaVE Act). These laws changed the violations that must be reported by DSPT to include domestic violence, dating violence and stalking as well as to expand the categories of reportable hate crimes.
For information about creating safe environments in Catholic seminaries, please consult the recent June 2019 report produced by the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) on behalf of the University of Notre Dame McGrath Institute for Church Life.
Local alert systems
GTU-ALERT Emergency Notification and Warning System – Sign up for this opt-in system for all students, faculty, and staff to be notified with emergency information.
Alameda County Public Alert – You can create your own personal account for emergency alerts from Alameda County at AC Alert.
Safety resources
- Police and Fire emergency: call 911
- Berkeley Police, non-emergency: (510) 644-6743
- Berkeley Fire, non-emergency: (510) 644-6723
- Suicide Prevention/Crisis Intervention: (510) 849-2212
- Poison Control: (800) 523-2222
Mental Health
The following is a list of a few local centers that provide clinical services on a sliding-scale basis.
- The Psychotherapy Institute (24-hour line: 510-548-2250)
- Wright Institute Clinic
- UC Berkeley Psychology Clinic
- GTU Health and Wellness Information
Title IX Coordinator:
Bianca Bermudez
2301 Vine Street, Berkeley, CA 94708
510-883-2073 | email Bianca
Deputy Coordinator (Campus Security Authority):
Sr. Marianne Farina, C.S.C., Associate Professor
2301 Vine Street, Berkeley, CA 94708
(510) 883-2081 | email Sr. Marianne
File a complaint
If you have been sexually assaulted we encourage you to call 911 and report it to the Berkeley Police Department. You can also report the assault to one of the coordinators listed above. In either case, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible.
For complaints of non-violent sex discrimination, such as sexual harassment or other gender-based issues, contact one of the coordinators listed above. For other types of complaints contact the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education as noted.
Where to get help
Current Crime Alerts and Campus Safety
- UC Berkeley Police Department Crime Alerts and Advisories
Weapons or Active Shooter Encounters
- U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security - How to Respond to An Active Shooter
- DHS - Active Shooter, "Options for Consideration" Training Video
Sexual Assault or Rape
If you have been the victim of a sexual assault or rape, we encourage you to get to a safe place and seek help immediately. Contact your Health Provider. The DSPT does not maintain any on-campus counseling services but there are other options available to you:
Bay Area Women Against Rape
(510) 845-7273
Alameda County Medical Center, Highland Hospital Sexual Assault Center
(510) 437-4688
National Domestic Violence Hotline
(800) 799-SAFE (7233)
National Sexual Assault Hotline
(800) 656-HOPE (4673)
Stalking Resource Center
(202) 467-8700
California Designated Sex Offenders
California Megan’s Law sex offender locator
DSPT Campus Safety Policies and Reports
DSPT Non-Discrimination Policy
DSPT does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, sex, age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law in its programs or activities.
As a community of scholars devoted to research, learning, and teaching, DSPT is committed to creating and maintaining an environment free of all forms of harassment, exploitation, and intimidation. Every member of the DSPT community should be aware that such behavior is prohibited by law and school policy. DSPT does not tolerate sexual misconduct or harassment in any form, including acquaintance or date rape or violence, sexual assault, stalking or domestic violence. Furthermore, DSPT will take appropriate action to prevent, correct, and discipline behavior that is found to violate school policy or laws proscribing such activity.
While a brief overview and summary of definitions and filing information are provided here, complete details of the DSPT non-discrimination policy may be found in the Campus Safety Policies and Annual Security Report.
Title IX Coordinator
DSPT designates a Title IX coordinator who is responsible for ensuring compliance with all federal regulations related to campus safety and security. The coordinator also is responsible for investigating complaints of harassment, discrimination, and other sex-based complaints from students, staff, and faculty, and for ensuring that the DSPT community is properly trained on the importance of complying with Title IX regulations.
In addition to the Title IX Coordinator, DSPT has appointed Campus Security Authorities (CSA) who, together with the coordinator, are responsible for assisting victims and/or witnesses to a crime on campus. Part of their duty includes assisting any DSPT student who wishes to register an offense in completing the crime incident report form.
Title IX Coordinator: Bianca Bermudez
CSAs: Bianca Bermudez and Sr. Marianne Farina
Sexual misconduct and harassment
Sexual misconduct can include a wide range of behaviors, including sexual assault or harassment, partner violence, stalking, voyeurism, and other behaviors that have the effect of threatening another person. Not all misconduct involves sexual contact, but may also include behavior such as threatening speech or displaying photographs or other material of a sexual nature.
Many forms of sexual misconduct are also prohibited by federal law, including Title IX of the Higher Education Act of 1965, the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act (VAWA) of 2013, and California state laws. Violation of these laws could result in criminal prosecution and civil liability in addition to disciplinary actions by the DSPT.
DSPT expressly prohibits unlawful harassment, including sexual harassment and sexual violence and will respond to violations of Title IX by protecting the victim and conducting a prompt and thorough investigation.
DSPT will make reasonable efforts to preserve confidentiality and protect privacy wherever and whenever possible. If an investigation is necessary, however, it may not always be possible to provide complete confidentiality. In the event that a victim requests confidentiality, the ability of DSPT to respond to the allegations may be limited.
In the event an individual has been the victim of prohibited conduct, DSPT will take appropriate, reasonable and feasible actions to ensure the safety of the victim. These accommodations could include class reassignments, no contact letters and directives, removal of the perpetrator from the DSPT community, and changes to School policies, practices, procedures and training to prevent sexual misconduct or discrimination.
DSPT prohibits retaliation against any person making a complaint of prohibited conduct or against any person participating in the investigation of an allegation of prohibited conduct. Retaliation by any student, faculty or staff member is grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from DSPT and termination of employment.
How to file a complaint
If you have a Title IX complaint, DSPT encourages you to report it. You may do so in a number of ways, including:
- Reporting it directly to the DSPT’s Title IX Coordinator or one of the Deputy Coordinators (CSAs)
- Call 855-433-9924 toll-free from anywhere in the U.S. and report it anonymously or otherwise
- Visit our “whistleblower” website provided by GTU
Night escort services
An on-site uniformed security guard (with experience in emergency response and CPR) patrols the GTU library and nearby school buildings. The guard is on-site most days Mon - Thu, 6:00 pm to 11:00 pm, Fri 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm, Sat 11:00 am to 7:00 pm, and Sun 1:00 pm to 8:00 pm. If you would like the guard to escort you to parking lots or other nearby locations call (510)649-2450 during those times.
IUC Berkeley operates a night escort service between 6:00 pm and 2:00 am; call (510) 642-9255.