Upon request by the Master of the Order, the Western Dominican Province founds the College of St. Albert the Great in Oakland.

Founded in 1932, we have always had confidence that Deus Providebit - God will provide - in fulfilling the mission of DSPT.

The College of St. Albert the Great becomes the first Roman Catholic school to join the Graduate Theological Union (GTU).

St. Albert’s College relocates from its 5-acre estate in Oakland (now St. Albert’s Priory) onto the GTU campus in Berkeley.

The College of St. Albert the Great changes its name to the Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology (DSPT).

Needing a permanent location, DSPT purchases its current property in North Berkeley, renovating it and opening the doors to a beautiful new campus.

DSPT continues to form friars and lay men and women in Classical philosophy and Catholic theology.