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Anthony Annett

Anthony was also named a Knight Commander of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem in 2013.

Professional Background

Anthony was also named a Knight Commander of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem in 2013. Some of his more recent endeavors are:

  • Member of the Leadership Council of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SNDS). SNDS is a global initiative of the United Nations.
  • Climate Change and Sustainable Development Advisor, Earth Institute, Columbia University.
  • 2016: Adjunct Professor in the School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University. Taught masters’ level course with Jeffrey Sachs and William Vendley entitled “Ethics of Sustainable Development.”
  • 2009-2014: Speechwriter to the Managing Director, International Monetary Fund. Wrote speeches for Dominique Strauss-Kahn and Christine Lagarde.
  • 1998-2009: Economist/ Senior Economist, International Monetary Fund.

Select Publications

“Our Common Responsibility for Our Common Home: The Activist Vision of Laudato Si’”, in Laudato Si’: Reflections on the Legal, Political, and Moral Authority of Catholic Social Thought in an Era of Climate Crisis, Frank A. Pasquale and Michael J. Perry [eds.], forthcoming, Cambridge University Press, 2017.

“The Economic Vision of Pope Francis,” in The Theological and Ecological Vision of Laudato Si’: Everything is Connected, Vincent Miller [ed.], forthcoming, Bloomsbury/T&T Clark, 2017.

“How Can Virtue Ethics Inform Modern Economic Challenges?”, mimeo, January 2017.

Resource Guide on Climate Change for Religious Communities, published by Religions for Peace, January 2017.

“Laudato Si’ and Inclusive Solidarity: The Ideology of the Market and the Reality of Inequality,”, paper presented at Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences workshop: Inclusive Solidarity and the Integration of Marginalized People, Vatican City, October 28, 2016.

Points of Interest

A convert to Roman Catholicism, he has served as the director of a Catholic Charities program for homeless men and as a volunteer prison chaplain. He remains an active friend of Focolare, an international Catholic lay movement, and most recently he was inducted into the College of Fellows of the Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California where he now lectures periodically and conducts a workshop on the media arts.


Ph.D. in Economics, Columbia University, 1998. Thesis: Three Essays on the Macroeconomics Effects of Government Size (Advisor: Roberto Perotti)

M. Phil in Economics, Columbia University, 1996

M.Litt, Trinity College Dublin, 1993. Thesis: Elections, Macroeconomic Outcomes, and Fiscal Policy in Ireland, 1948-1991 (Advisor: Michael Harrison)

B.A. (Mod), Trinity College Dublin, 1991 (First Class Honors)

Selected Media