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2024 Convocation of the DSPT College of Fellows

The DSPT Convocation of the College of Fellows

The DSPT College of Fellows are a group of distinguished lay Catholic men and women affiliated with DSPT to bring all areas of contemporary culture into dialogue with philosophy and theology. Each year, DSPT hosts a Convocation of the College of Fellows during which our community engages topics of significance.

The annual Convocation of the DSPT College of Fellows will return in February 2024. On Saturday, February 3, a panel of our esteemed College of Fellows and our very own students will address the topic of "The Church in the Modern World...And in these times." The discussion will engage the history and application of the Vatican II document, Gaudium et Spes (1965).

We want you to join the conversation.

Learn more about the College of Fellows.

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Convocation of the College of Fellows
February 3, 2024 | 9:30 am - 3:30 pm
2301 Vine St, Berkeley, CA

The Church in the Modern World
...and in these times.

The Pastoral Constitution Gaudium et Spes (1965) was a somewhat novel kind of constitution, devoted not to doctrine strictly understood, but to a discernment of what had changed in the world, the great vineyard. It was deemed pastoral to denote our understanding of changeable things for the sake of accomplishing Christ’s great commission to his apostles.

Its purpose (not its end or goal) therefore was open-ended, requiring continual discernment of spiritual, moral, political, cultural, and economic challenges faced by men and women in mundo huius temporis. In their own time, the conciliar fathers considered a wide array of factors influencing the hopes and anxieties of the post-war generation, the animorum appetitiones (desires of the soul) that must be understood in time and place.

Sixty years later, we know in the course of lived experience that these hopes and anxieties, and the social relationships for which they once existed, have profoundly changed. So much so that it is not uncommon for us to think that we are living in a very different time, or a different world, so to speak. The challenges of family life, work, political community, human rights, communications, and perhaps most importantly, technological domination of ordinary community life – indeed, even disbelief in the majesty of both God and his created images are in a new phase.