Cultural & Historical Studies of Religion
The spiritual, ethical, and intellectual teachings of world religion.
Course Offerings
The following are some of the courses DSPT has offered in this concentration:
CE-3050 Catholic Social Teaching
HRRA-2050 Aboriginal Sacred Art & Music
HRST-2083 Christian-Muslim Dialogue: Theory and Practice
PHCE-4500 Aristotle’s Commentators
PHCE-4960 Faith in Human Rights
PHHR-4100 Philosophy of Religion: India & West
PHST-4377 Disputation I: Ancient / Islamic Sources
RSCE-5003 Western Social Thought II
ST-4141 Professions of Faith
ST-4047 Agents of Transformation
STRS-4217 Indonesia Theological Immersion
Check the Current Courses and the GTU Course Schedule for availability.