DSPT Student Council
In order to foster our community of scholarship, the school supports and sponsors the DSPT Student Council, a representative body whose bylaws are approved by the President. The Student Council coordinates and promotes student-led activities, encouraging spiritual life and fellowship among students while fostering interaction among administration, faculty, and the student body.
The Student Council helps DSPT address students’ interests while representing them in areas of academic concern. They also circulate information about academic and social activities relating to the GTU and its member schools. The Student Council is elected by the students of the DSPT, according to the manner indicated in the Student Council bylaws.
DSPT students choose two Student Council delegates who serve as student representatives to the monthly meetings of the Regular Faculty (with voice, but not vote), while the President of the Student Council acts as a representative to the meetings of the Board of Trustees (with voice, but not vote) so as to represent students’ interests to the various governing bodies of the School.
Student Council for the 2023-2024 Academic Year
President - Br. Scott Norgaard, OP
Vice President - Br. Kevin Peter Cantu, OP
Treasurer - Paola Pruett-Vergara
Secretary - Isaac Choi
Lay Student Representative - Joseph Rodrigues
Religious Student Representative - Br. Anthony Maria Ackerman, OP