History Studies
Course Offerings
The following are some of the courses DSPT has offered in this concentration:
BS-3455 Christianity from Christ to Constantine
HS-1105 History of Christianity I
HS-2195 Church: Modern to Contemporary
HS-2751 History of the Eastern Church
HS-4133 From 3 Popes to 2 Councils
HS-4476 Heresies and Inquisitions
HSBS-4050 Patristic-Medieval Exegesis
HSPH-4410 Hellenistic & Roman Philosophy
HSST-2310 History of Christian Eschatology
PHCE-4820 Contemporary Virtue Ethics
PHHR-4100 Philosophy of Religion: India & West
PHHS-1050 History of Philosophy: Ancient
PHHS-1051 History of Philosophy: Medieval
PHHS-2000 History of Philosophy: Modern
PHHS-2001 Contemporary Philosophy
PHHS-4903 Patristics
PHST-4377 Disputation I: Ancient / Islamic Sources
PHST-4TBD Atheism, New and Old
PHST-4TBD From Dionysius to Derrida
PHST-4TBD God After the Death of God
SPHS-2000 History of Christian Spirituality
ST-2232 Historical Development of Christology
ST-3115 Contemporary Christology
STHS-4141 20th & 21st c. Roman Catholic Theologies
STPH-2500 The Passion of the Western Mind
STSP-4725 Church on the Move: Ecclesiology Applied
Courses on Particular Authors
CE-4490 Aquinas On Vices: A Heuristic Lens to Understand Human Acts
HS-2443 Don Bosco’s Environment
HSSP-4342 Medieval Mystics Seminar
PH-4211 Thomas Aquinas on Truth
PHCE-4500 Aristotle’s Commentators
PHHS-4011 Thomas on Nicomachean Ethics
PHHS-4020 Plato
PHST-4112 Levinas
PHST-4211 Aquinas on the Categories
PHST-4212 Aquinas and Person
PHST-4220 Aquinas and Platonism
PHST-4380 The Masters of Suspicion
PHST-4445 Heidegger’s Being and Time
PHST-4500 Thomas on Substance
PHST-4501 Thomas on Analogy
PHST-4600 Plato: Soul and Afterlife
SP-4571 Francis de Sales: Sources and Spirit
STHS-4041 Truth and Authority in the City of God
Check the Current Courses and the GTU Course Schedule for availability.