Michael Glowasky, PhD
Courses Taught
- Theology: Nature & Method (ST 1091)
- Augustine and Aquinas on the Self (STPH 4080)
- Patristic-Medieval Exegesis (HSBS 4050)
Recent Publications
- Rhetoric and Scripture in Augustine’s Homiletic Strategy: Tracing the Narrative of Spiritual Maturation. VCSup 166. Leiden & Boston: Brill, 2020.
- “Typology and Characterization in the Gospel of Mark: Assessing Mark’s Portrayal of Jesus’ Prophetic Identity in 1:35 and 6:46,” Horizons in Biblical Theology (forthcoming).
- “Naming God: Exodus 3:14-15 in Augustine’s Enarrationes in Psalmos,” Scrinium 16 (2020): 1-11.
- “What Does it Mean to be Catholic? Augustine’s Appropriation of Pauline Logic Against the Donatists,” Augustiniana 70 (2020): 33-47.
- “Cognition and Visualization in Early Christian Interpretation of Psalm 23,” Journal of Theological Interpretation 13 (2019): 219-234. · “The Author is the Meaning: Narrative in Augustine’s Hermeneutics,” Scottish Journal of Theology 71 (2018): 159-175.
- “Transition, Coherence and the Ascent of the Reader: The Literary Significance of Confessions IX,” Augustiniana 66 (2016): 135-149.
From the Professor
I joined the faculty at DSPT in 2022. Before arriving in Berkeley, I served as a SSHRC postdoctoral fellow at the University of Ottawa and postdoctoral fellow in the Centre for Contextual Biblical Interpretation at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. I also taught biblical and theological studies for a number of years at Booth University College in Winnipeg, Canada.
While my theological interests range broadly across systematic, historical, and biblical theology, the core of my academic research to this point has focused on the life and thought of St. Augustine. My first book, Rhetoric and Scripture in Augustine’s Homiletic Strategy (Brill, 2020), provides the most comprehensive account of Augustine’s preaching strategy in his sermons to date. My current book project, tentatively titled Augustine and the Transcendent Self, investigates Augustine’s understanding and representation of the self in his Confessions.
When I am not reading, writing, or discussing theology, you will likely find me at the hockey rink, watching movies with my wife, or embarking on wild adventures with our three sons.