Systematic & Philosophical Theology
Course Offerings
The following are some of the courses DSPT has offered in this concentration:
CE-2003 Roman Catholic Sexual Ethics
CE-2045 Fundamental Moral Theology
CE-3050 Catholic Social Teaching
LSRA-1500 Foundations of Catholic Liturgy: The Ongoing Work of Jesus Christ
LSRA-3500 Liturgical Anthropology
PH-4012 Natural Law
PHCE-6005 Theories of Justice
PHHR-4100 Philosophy of Religion: India & West
PHST-4020 Miracles
PHST-4400 Philosophical Hermeneutics
PHST-4810 Do We Have Free Will?
PHST-4811 Does God Exist?
PHST-4TBD Atheism, New and Old
PHST-4TBD Between Phenomenology and Theology
PHST-4TBD From Dionysius to Derrida
PHST-4TBD God After the Death of God
PHST-4TBD Revelation
ST-1091 Theology: Nature & Method
ST-2232 Historical Development of Christology
ST-2300 Trinity
ST-2330 Angels & Demons
ST-3067 Theology of Sacraments
ST-3071 Sacraments: Eucharist & Orders
ST-3115 Contemporary Christology
ST-3128 Theological Anthropology
STHS-4037 Eschatology
STHS-4141 20th & 21st c. Roman Catholic Theologies
STPH-3095 The One Creator God
STPH-4885 Issues in Divine Action
STSP-3036 Ecclesiology: Foundations
Check the Current Courses and the GTU Course Schedule for availability.